
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, April 7, 2022



The boys at coffee were razzing me a bit this morning for my rather negative post yesterday. Renee says I have a chip on my shoulder, James inquired if I was off my meds, a couple completely agreed with me privately. Whatever.

In any case, I have a tremendous amount of genuine friends and why should I let a couple of anally impacted elitist swine ruin my day? Focus on the positive, right?

We don't entertain at our home and we don't get a lot of visitors to the ranch. Purposefully. We love our private space and most of the few neighbors we have are of the same mind. We live where we live because we like the freedom of space and being left alone.

Joel came out to look at the Avanti last week and I asked him how he liked the switchback canyon road into our valley. He said something that I had to agree with.

rockrose is now blooming...

He said he couldn't imagine waking up every day and seeing a beautiful mountain right across from me, separated by a river. What a wonderful thing that is. And he is right. Wildlands Conservancy land maintained across from me, Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve to the East, a large and steep forty acre piece behind me that may never be built on for several logistical reasons, we have effectively sealed civilization out for the most part.

There is a quasi hippie commune down the road that bothers me a bit but they mostly keep quiet. We all try to leave each other alone. My little postage stamp of reality would be very hard to duplicate in Southern California and for that and many other things I am truly grateful. Including beautiful Gavilan Mountain.


island guy said...

Does the Avanti now qualify as a ‘barn find’? Popular YouTube sub genre

Deli guy said...

Your description of the hippie commune down the road reminds me of this song by Jesse Colin Young, Ridgetop. I always liked how he said kept the tourists at bay have a ruts in the road.deli guy. ✌️