
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Another one bites the dust...

I am back from Hillsborough. It wasn't phenomenal but it wasn't horrible either. I have been spoiled of late honestly and you can't always hit a homer. Solid double and I bought a lot of nice things. I sent this letter out today (which sounds a touch grouchy):

Hillsborough was a rather long drawn out affair. Not a lot of painting buyers, some people did really well. I snagged a couple sales. 

And as so often happens, sometimes you have to buy your way out of a humdrum show. I found some wonderful things this trip. 

Like this 40 x 40" Stark Davis (1885-1950) Macaws painting, haven't had one in a long while. I have always loved his work.

Needs a serious cleaning although some people like these paintings with their age old patina. Would look beautiful in a Spanish revival plaster walled home.
I also found a Rembrandt etching of an old man seated in a chair, circa 1630 as well as a cool Helen Bregar modernist work at the show. A large Philip Moulthrop figured Tulipwood bowl. A Richard Misrach photograph of the Golden Gate. A Beulah Stevenson painting of clam diggers.

An elderly gentleman with a huge collection of paintings that he has amassed over many years invited me over to his Danville area home. I bought some real beauties from him yesterday morning on my way home.

Robert Wood (1889-1979)untitled approx. 9.5 x 15.5"

Franz Bischoff (1864-1929) Carmel blufftop 6 x 9" S. Speck 22k frame

Jimmy Swinnerton (1875-1974) Desert sunset 7 x 9"

William Posey Silva (1859-1948)  Rock and Sea, Carmel  9 x 12"

William Keith (1838-1911) River scene 10 x 14" I am not sure where, has a heavy yellowed varnish that needs to come off but I think it will be beautiful when cleaned. My friend thinks  he knows the river location, do you?

Del Mar Show starts tomorrow, if you have an interest in any of these, please call today and I will give you a price! If you get a chance, come by the show and see them and all the rest of the great new inventory I have bought of late.

all the best,

Robert Sommers
Blue Heron Gallery
Trying to think of memorable moments at the show...

John Paul is a photographer/gaffer/rigger. Friend of Warmboe. 

I was very impressed with his tape and tool collections. 

He had names and specific uses for each roll of tape.

I love this level of organization but it will unfortunately never be me.

What stood out at the show? Besides meeting lots of wonderful people, maybe it was the Russian who wanted me to go have a drink with him so that he could explain why the whole Ukraine war was the fault of the Unites States. I declined. These people have convinced themselves that the neighboring countries are in some ways a threat to Mother Russia and I think most clear thinking people would see that that is preposterous.

Food wise the high points were a delicious meal with Loughlin at Stella Alpina in Burlingame which featured osso buco and these beautiful truffle gnocchi.

Next night at my old fave Creola was not so good. They took the filet off the menu, the shrimp étouffée only so-so.

Breakfast at Kristys with Cam and Bill was fun. I had a delicious solo meal at Ben Tre in South San Francisco, Quail and pho. 

Reubens at the Escape with Dave, Amy, Meyer and Howard.

Went out with Melissa and Gary to Corso in Berkeley. Great burrata and cured meat appetizers, tambillo entree cold and rather unappealing.

Wonderful coconut custard dessert.

In any case, I drove home all day yesterday after my call, barely stopped except at Pyramid lake where a crane was dragging a trailer wreck off the freeway. Bumper to bumper, no movement for an hour. Finally got going, eventually stopped at Zankou in Pasadena for chicken tarna and rest room.

Got home fairly decent hour, feeling pretty good. New neighbor is a widow ex cop with lots of dogs that won't shut up all night. Big drag. Del Mar starts tomorrow.

I leave you with some random people shots from the show.

1 comment:


Great photo shots!