
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, March 11, 2022


It has been an interesting day. I have hit the trifecta. I went outside this morning and saw that the doves had decorated my car with some monster bird shit bombs.

Leslie warns me about parking under the power line. 

All over the doors, roof and windows. Bastards. I headed over to Soapy Joes for a quick clean before coffee.

When I left coffee, I noticed that I had a new avian assault on the just clean car while it sat out on the curb. Not my day but not as bad as last night.

I am buying paintings this morning from a new client, sitting on the bench outside my store when the birds decided to up their game.

Whammo, right on my pantleg, from the cape chestnut tree above my head. Three times in one morning, probably should head back home and crawl into bed. Not sure what I did but I think I may have pissed the universe off a little bit.

I am told that three bird shits is good luck but I ain't buying it for a second.


RoxAnn said...

My advice is buy a lottery ticket!

Ken Seals said...

Fantastic banner photo!

Unknown said...

I could send Jay over with his air rifle...he's running out of ground squirrels at our property and next step will be for him to offer our neighbors his services!!!