
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Saturday's marginal meandering

I have a light case of the sniffles and not a lot to offer today. So let me regurgitate a few things you have sent me lately, which is admittedly not a hell of a lot. 

Best things first, Ken bought the very expensive new Z9 Nikon and sends this fabulous shot over, specifically designed to make me envious. Guess what Ken? It worked...


Major black ice in Fort Worth recently. Watch this scary video if you feel so inclined, courtesy of Jim R.


BIRD: Biotronic Intelligence Reconnaissance Drone

Birds are not real, did you know that? They are little cunningly designed spy robots designed by the government that charge on power lines. Or so they say... Birds aren't real, from Ricardo.

And more from our Thai scribe. Covid? It's a hoax too.


Smokin' Joe cooking a prime rib like a brisket.


You think journalism is bad here in America? Watch this clip Barry sent me. Oops.


Shawn offers this weird vid on hummingbirds. Caveat emptor...


Calvanese shares the one time we almost started a world war.




James offers Henry Kissinger on how to solve the crisis in Ukraine - start at the end.


Will sends this along - Dr. Bronners dips its toe into psychedelics. Sort of funny because I met Bronner in the seventies, he came to my college with his bug eyed glasses and yelled at the kids during a concert that they should not listen to any more rock music, only Mozart. Strange character.


From Mel:

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