
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, March 25, 2022

Palm Oriole

I thought I caught a glimpse of a hooded oriole in my palm tree out of the corner of my eye the other night but it was furtive and a flash. Wasn't absolutely sure.

Leslie thought that she saw him too so we put out grape jelly this week in our feeder. I definitely saw him this morning but did not have a camera in hand.

The picture above is a shot from my files. My recent arrival looks so small and scrawny. 

I wonder how far he had to travel to reach his spring destination? 

It must have taken an enormous amount of energy, it looks like he is at about 60% of normal weight.

But he will fatten up. Look forward to seeing the rest of the family, they have made my Washingtonia filifera their summer home.

And they have lived in these California native palms for ever and that is why they are sometimes referred to as Palm Orioles.

I haven't see their cousins, the Bullock's Orioles, in the hood for a while. I hope they come back and represent.

I did have a band tailed pigeon show up recently and their numbers have been scarce in the canyon.


RoxAnn said...

We saw our first one today, bathing in our fountain! No time to grab the camera. Spring has sprung.

Kent said...

Damn, haven’t seen any yet. Hearing of sightings all over north county.