Shroom - Ron Holder |
Baja Sunrise - Jill Cole |
Couldn't do it without my guys, Gordon and Charley - Rosemary Krieger |
De Luz, lasted about a minute - Helen McHargue |
Marquette, Michigan October 2021 - Shirley Timberman |
Daxton - Tom Pecore |
Three Garns - Douglas Garn |
Sun's gonna shine in my back door some day - Dave Jacobs |
Harper's second vaccination - Michael Loughlin |
Looking towards Seattle - Thom Gianetto |
Followed this sunset out my plane window all the way west from NYC - Sue Calvin |
Our Bob - Connie and Dixon Fish |
Bernadette in the garden - Jeff Olsen |
Wooden Wave - Drew Kampion |
Light Bougainvillea - Jon Harwood |
First day after adopting Maury - William Olson |
Sunset Beach Sunset - Mike Reardon |
Spring iris in Kentucky - Jeff Nichols |
Farewell old friend - Lena Leichtling |
Penobscot Bridge - Kip Peterson |
Prairie Dogs - Ken Seals |
Kent Borsch
My favorite butterfly, the swallowtail - Carol Voorhis |
Kitchen cat chaos - Dave Manring |
Goose and soursop - Ricardo Neumann |
Ralph Chaney |
Shawn Mayes |
Acorn woodpecker - Bob Booth |
William Warmboe |
Wilbur Norman |
Porch visitor, Chikaloon, Alaska - Jeff Myers |
Bertie - Beth Cobb |
Meanwhile, back in Alaska... - Jeff and Gena Barney |
Nitza Leichtling |
Sunset near Calabasas - Bob Schmid |
Boy, you folks all did a wonderful job. Thank you.