
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, December 13, 2021

End of the year photos

Shroom - Ron Holder

Baja Sunrise - Jill Cole
Couldn't do it without my guys, Gordon and Charley - Rosemary Krieger

De Luz, lasted about a minute - Helen McHargue
Marquette, Michigan October 2021 - Shirley Timberman

Daxton - Tom Pecore

Three Garns - Douglas Garn
Sun's gonna shine in my back door some day - Dave Jacobs

Harper's second vaccination - Michael Loughlin

Looking towards Seattle - Thom Gianetto

Followed this sunset out my plane window all the way west from NYC - Sue Calvin

Our Bob - Connie and Dixon Fish

Bernadette in the garden - Jeff Olsen

Started thinking about this photo two years before I actually took it. Tried it a few times and the conditions were never right. Back in September, I hit it as I imagined. No color adjustment. No contrast adjustment. Morning light in Oceanside Harbor. iPhone 11  It’s my favorite picture that I’ve ever taken. Hell you might not even like it, and it may actually suck, but I love this. - Roy Cohen

Wooden Wave - Drew Kampion
Light Bougainvillea - Jon Harwood

First day after adopting Maury - William Olson

Sunset Beach Sunset - Mike Reardon

Spring iris in Kentucky - Jeff Nichols

Farewell old friend - Lena Leichtling

Penobscot Bridge - Kip Peterson

Prairie Dogs - Ken Seals

Kent Borsch

My favorite butterfly, the swallowtail - Carol Voorhis

Kitchen cat chaos - Dave Manring

Goose and soursop - Ricardo Neumann

Ralph Chaney

Shawn Mayes

Acorn woodpecker - Bob Booth

William Warmboe

Wilbur Norman

Porch visitor, Chikaloon, Alaska - Jeff Myers

Bertie - Beth Cobb

Meanwhile, back in Alaska... - Jeff and Gena Barney

Nitza Leichtling

Sunset near Calabasas - Bob Schmid 

1 comment:

Blue Heron said...

Boy, you folks all did a wonderful job. Thank you.