
Yellow headed blackbird

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Alhambra pool, Granada


Here is a shot that got away from me. Try as I might, it really can not be fixed. Because like many of the architectural marvels in our world, it suffers from hominid overdose. The pesky little bipeds are everywhere, scurrying around like ants, not to mention the presence of scaffolding from the renovation.

Really a beautiful place, second in my eyes only to the Alcazar in Sevilla visually in España. Not like I have the juice to ask a guard to clear all the mortals out of my way so I can take a shot. You have the same problem I would imagine at the Taj Mahal or the Eiffel Tower or even at Yellowstone at this point. Humanity overrun. What to do?

Now I suppose one could take every single human out in Photoshop if he or she had the patience but who has that kind of patience? Like the Uffizi Gallery in Florence it is really difficult to score a ticket here and you stand in line for about four hours so it is not like you can time your entrance for an off hour.

I have about ten shots from this vantage and none of them work particularly and they all raise a certain sadness in me for failing to get an adequate capture. Do you know my only solace in this particular one? The figure dead center with hands upraised and his or her reflection. In the portico it reminds me of the eye of a peacock feather for some reason.

So, absent another trip to Southern Spain, I will take some small comfort in that.

The following shot is our closest corollary to southern Spain in these parts, the Laguna de las flores at Balboa Park. You can still find that spot empty if you arrive early enough.


Ken Seals said...

Both very nice. :-)

Ken Seals said...

On the Alhambra, a centered vertical crop just inside the scaffolding on the right would make a nice variation on the original.