Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride

The adventure continues. I received a call yesterday afternoon. A friend of mine, who had visited her son and grandchildren in Marin County last weekend, was notified that her relatives had all just tested positive for Covid - 19.

I visited her the day before yesterday and gave her a brief hug. She and her partner have been fully vaccinated, as I have. We all feel okay. She is getting tested asap.

Nevertheless, this set off alarm bells for me. I had an immunotherapy treatment scheduled for this morning, called them and canceled, did not want to bring a potential exposure into a medical facility.

I started wracking my brain for all the potential people I could have infected in a 24 hour period, called a few that I remembered. Scary stuff.

I drove to San Jacinto to see if there was any bird action and to find some solitude, I found plenty of the latter and practically none of the former. I stopped off at Accelerated Urgent Care in Temecula on my home and got a three day PCR test. This is covered by my insurance, the rapid test would have been just over two hundred dollars.

Although I had a long wait, I really like Accelerated. They are well staffed and all of the medical care Leslie and I have received there has been first rate. We have had problems in the past with the Urgent Care available  in Fallbrook and Accelerated would be my first choice in an emergency.

I slept on the couch last night and tried to isolate myself from my wife as much as possible. No hugs, no kiss.

I am going to go down to a San Diego County testing site near Cal State San Marcos for a rapid test in about a half an hour. They should have an answer in about fifteen minutes. If I test positive I will cancel my two Thursday afternoon meetings in Orange County and isolate for ten days at home.

I realize that symptoms can take time to develop but a negative test will do a lot to allay my concerns and I know that my exposure to my friend was outdoors and very brief.

Wish me luck and please get vaccinated.