
Sandhill crane

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Saturday hawks

My neighbor called me the other day and told me to come over to one of his properties to see some hawk babies. I didn't want to leave the expensive Nikkor in the car yesterday so I dropped by with the lesser Sigma lens instead. Took a couple shots in the midday sun. Never easy.

He said that there were three babies, from my vantage I could only see two. 

He had thought that they were red shouldered but I see no patch in my photos so I am pretty sure they are red tailed instead. 

Body type and chest markings lend themselves to that taxonomic appellation as well.

Not easy to get a decent shot of a bird in full shadow. Do the best we can.

Noonday sun is the bane of photography but sometimes it is the time we are dealt.

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