
Sandhill crane

Monday, May 17, 2021

Gumbo Pot


I just downloaded this from NextDoor. 

This anonymous letter was sent to the owner of the Gumbo Pot restaurant in Temecula.

I will certainly be eating there. What a racist asshole the cowardly letter writer is.


Sanoguy said...

What is their address?

Blue Heron said...

41931 Avenida Vista Ladera, Temecula, CA 92590

Anonymous said...

OK I'm in, Gumbo it is...~Diane O

Valerie Tate said...

Yep, I will definitely be going there, and I am pretty sure the food will be great, and I will be spreading the word about this restaurant! Thank you, Robert, for sharing this information.

Kerr A. Lott said...

There are SO many "conservative" assholes in North County and Temecula, always have been. Really typical that one of them would pull that kind of crap.

Bethany said...

Unbelievable! Compiling a LIST?!!

Liz said...

This is totally disgusting

Anonymous said...

That address is for a single family home. The map indicates the restaurant is somewhere else but doesn't give an address. I'd call before I go...

Kent said...

If true it’s horrible, sick and disgusting. But as a marketing ploy genius.

Jim said...

What the hell does Conservative mean. What are they conserving? ...the environment? honesty? ....Okay, as I think of it, I'm Finally understanding - they're conserving bigotry, women's second-class status, white supremacy, ignorance, stupidity, unequal rights, maybe they're really true conservatives, meaning they'd like a return to rule by autocracy. Oh, I forgot, we're already doing that one. If you want to get a taste of what America's going to look like after the Republicans take over, watch The Handmaids Tale. Enjoy!

Blumoon said...

I am not really surprised, I guess the part that always gets me is the need to publicize the sheer stupidity. I was in Florida last weekend and the t shirts that a variety fo guys were wearing advertised their ridiculousness. Older white guys experiencing their loss of power exercising their right to be pathetic.