
Sandhill crane

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

More Beth

 When I was kvelling over my friend Beth the other day, I forgot to recount the latest story.

She caught a horse on the freeway last week.

Poor Palomino was running around on interstate 15. Expert horsewoman Beth catches it, and Beth happens to have a broken arm and leg at the time.

I asked her to fill in the gaps for me and I may not have the story exactly correct  but here goes: 

She said a city slicker from Los Angeles recently moved to town and bought himself a horse and it got away from him.

Now I have owned horses and broke horses and even had a crazy arab that used to get away from me once in a while when I lived in Rainbow. My ex and I bred Palominos. She had a Leo bred Waggoner mare.

I have ran through other people's ranches chasing the idiot plenty of times before so I can't be too smug.

You can't move to the country and buy a horse if you are not going to ride it and give it some space and attention. Take the time to get it and yourself trained properly and figure out what the hell is going on before you step into the horseman role. It might not fit you and they turn into expensive equine lawn furniture mighty quick.

Good job, Beth.

1 comment:

RoxAnn said...

I have a Beth story to match yours. I woke up one morning years ago and as I was walking through the living room I looked out the window and two horses were staring back at me from the front yard. By the time I got outside they were down in my garden munching on my carrots. I am not a horse person and thought “holy s**t, what do I do now?
So of course I called my friend Beth. She hightailed it over with bridles in hand and corralled the. About that time the neighbor came sauntering over the hill looking for them. We’ve laughed often over this escapade. She’s amazing! The footnote to that story, I got to work late that day and was telling my story and one of the girls who’s lived here forever and has horses said, “oh those must have been the Cantorini’s horses. They were indeed. I love living in a small town!