
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, December 28, 2020

Year in birds

For a guy who didn't get out much this year I guess I made the best of it and did all right.

Held down my job, paid my bills, didn't get sick with Covid (at least not yet) and still found time to shoot 30,471 pictures, or that is how many are still sitting in my Lightroom catalogue anyway. 

Like this belted kingfisher you see on the left.

I have been looking through the year's shots and there are some good ones I forgot about. Many still be processed, if I ever get around to it anyway.

It will be hard to forget this lovely juvenile bald eagle from the Walker Ponds. A real beauty.

As was this psychedelic hummingbird in full display.

Way too many shots to play favorites.

Hard to forget this chatty green heron at San Luis Rey. 

But if I had to pick a peak moment, it was definitely the red tailed hawks once again nesting in my valley.

This shot, taken on March 9th at 4:11 p.m. is a highlight shot for me.

It was such a pleasure to watch the mother and father work in concert this year, nest building and raising the fledges.

I thought I had lost them forever in the sycamores and they came back. 

I offer this shot with no adjustment of any kind whatsoever, straight out of the camera.

Way too many birds to pick from.


Anonymous said...

Great shots Blue!

Ken Seals said...

All very nice to see again! Thanks.

Michal the Owl-Lover said...

Robert, these shots are poetry-in-motion!