
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, December 19, 2020

We will miss you, Fred


I got word this morning that my good friend, the former Fallbrook resident Fred Young, has passed away from Covid 19. He died last night.

Fred was a long time member of my morning coffee group before he moved to Nevada to care for his late wife. 

He was also part of our informal photo group Fallbrook Shutters and participated in several of our group shows.

Fred was supposed to come down to Fallbrook for a visit and breakfast last week but was hospitalized when he started feeling bad.

You could not find a nicer guy, he would never have a cross word with anybody. Very kind and humble. Great laugh and wonderful sense of humor.

Fred had a long and successful professional career, he owned a company that did large event registration after a long tenure in the hospitality industry. Loved to ski as a young man.

Fred Young

Fred was also a top notch portrait photographer. The best I personally knew. It was not just the technical aspect that he mastered, he had a way of making his models feel easy and comfortable, developed a wonderful rapport with them and made them feel good about themselves. That is a talent in itself. Admirably, photography was an avocation he developed late in life and he learned everything he could in order to make himself better.

And may I say he had an eye for very beautiful models. He actually came from a long line of photographers in his native Idaho. He worked very hard to get better and better at his craft.

Fred invited me to his studio on several occasions and showed me the finer points of lighting theory. I really appreciate all of his help and will remember our shooting trips to Joshua Tree and Borrego Springs with Ken and Fred with fondness.

Farewell Fred.

Fred Young


Sanoguy said...

So sad! Fred was a kind and gentle man! I will miss him!

Blue Heron said...

It hits home Mike. Closest person I personally know to have passed. And I feel angry because of all the dipshits I know who bought the line that it was a hoax or that teh dangers are overblown. They are obviously not.

Sanoguy said...

I have known one other fellow who passed. I agree with you about the know nothing dip shits!

Anonymous said...

Apparently, the new variant of Covid is more easily transmissible, per the UK this morning. This bodes iill for Fallbrook, where so many are refusing to make up and stay home. My heart goes out to those who knew and loved this fine man.

Roy Jhciacb Cohen said...

Stunned. I had no idea. Fred was one of my first clients in Fallbrook. He was exceptionally kind to me.

When I’d see him in the coffee shop, he’d always walk up to me with his laptop to show me his latest photos.

A very good man...