
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, December 14, 2020

Never get tired of it.

I didn't get much in the way of meteors last night, saw a couple of them streaking by but it got a little too overcast and there was too much light coming in from Temecula.  I did grab this shot on the way home of my gorgeous Santa Margarita River Valley as the sun sunk into the western horizon.  Had my 14mm lens on the camera so why not?

I know I brag about it but it is one beautiful place to live and this is a view I get to see at least twice a day. Beautiful in any season but especially when the sycamores decide to turn color. I know cities are great but it would be hard for me to ever give this up. I'm pretty lucky.

This is the evening sky to the northeast at 6:24 before the clouds drifted in. And here is my friend Orion the Hunter over my house for ten seconds at 10:18 p.m.. A little chilly out there, I finally gave up.

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