
Yellow headed blackbird

Sunday, December 13, 2020


NGC 5248 - J.Lee/A. Filippenko/G. Kober

Tonight promises to be great viewing of the Geminid Meteor Shower. I have the tripod already set up in the yard, pointed towards the northeast and weighted down with ballast. With clear sky expected and no moon, it should be a nice night for viewing shooting stars.

I have the Samyung 14mm set up on the D850. f2.8, manual focus set to next to infinity. ISO 3200 to 4000. I misplaced my intervelometer and the new one on order has not arrived yet so I will be manually triggering my twenty to twenty five second exposures in hopes of snaring an errant meteor. Going to put it in a two second delay mode.

The early evening holds promise but peak should be about two in the morning. I hope that it is not too chilly and that I can drag my ass out of bed..

Speaking of space, Nasa has released some cool new photographs to celebrate Hubbel's thirtieth anniversary.

1 comment:

island guy said...

Saw some last night. Enjoyed seeing the stars come ever more into view as my eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness. One of the planets was very bright and beautiful in the sky. First time I’ve been someplace with clear skies in December in many years.