
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Creek Fire watch.

Fire over the hill. The winds are heading in the other direction so I think that we are okay. 

Burning towards Camp Pendleton. 7000 people already evacuated including several of our immediate neighbors. North Main is evacuated, not all that far from my shop. 

I have a bag of clothes and heart medication in the car, just waiting for the knock. Will grab the cats. Two fire trucks just rolled down the road but it might have been a medical emergency. Stay tuned.


Jeff Nichols said...

Just sent you an email note. You're welcome at our place if you need to bug out. Just call...

Martin said...

Be sure you have all your pertinent documentation at hand as well - you'll likely need it if the fire hits your digs. We were semi-ready when the Almeda fire here in southern Oregon took out our place along with everything we owned. We got out with minimal possessions which included about 3 days worth of clothing, meds, etc., but we had our documents in a go-bag, which was invaluable when we met with the insurance people later.

If you manage to escape being burned out, when you get home inventory and photograph everything and put the results in a safe place. We didn't do the inventory and wish we had. Also, don't necessarily rely on a safe deposit box for the 'safe place'. Our bank, where we thought about storing our documentation was completely destroyed by the fire that took our place and about half of the town.

Blue Heron said...

Thanks both of you. Good advice Martin, thankfully we all dodged this bullet but wise words to keep in mind.