
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, November 23, 2020


Man, there I was, just a few weeks ago, writing at a feverish clip and then powie!!!, I hit the wall. Muse evidently took off on the midnight train. No note, no nothing.

Truth is, it's all been said. Don't have much to add at this point. This country is in a bad marriage and we are just waiting for our ex partner to say one little thing and then Whamo! Right in the kisser.

Think I remember the therapist telling me and my then wife at the time, in the most Viennese of vibrato, Mr.and Mrs. Sommers, you are trapped in vhat vee call the dark dance. Try to arrest the downward spiraling motion before you are submerged into the swirling whirlpool and plunged into the black hole or singularity where your specific gravity will equal the wreckage of a thousand dying stars ✸. Note: we didn't.

Everybody is so angry right now, why get aggrieved, why pour gasoline on the fire? We all know what is happening out there and everybody needs a serious time out, from whatever side you hail from. Stop this victimhood competition, the constant desire to tell the world how awful the other side is.

I have received several letters about Gavin Newsome going out and eating at the French Laundry, how dare he, while we lock down? Frankly, I don't care, I don't care about Pelosi's ice cream either. The autocrats always behave by a different set of rules. Big whoop. You are mad and you want to lash out. I get it. I've been mad for four years too. But let's argue about issues of substance, not pistachio ripple and muse bouches. I know, politicians are hypocrites. But that runs across the political spectrum.


Saw that Cuomo lost it today over a seven thousand person Satmar orthodox wedding in Brooklyn. Good for Cuomo. How many superspreader weddings does this make now? But it just goes to show that big city folk are every bit as stupid and ignorant as their red state country cousins. The yids should know better. But they don't. It is their religious liberty to get sick and if they do, it is god's will, yada, yada. Just not fair to all the rest of the people they come in contact with, in my eyes anyway. Or the doctors and nurses that have to save their sorry asses.

Of course a popular right wing angle these days is that we are all going to catch it sooner or later anyway so why fight it? I, being Mr. Positive, am not willing to concur. I will engage in some big time virtue signaling here and say, I try to wear a mask in public. And wash my hands. And not be part of big microbial confabs. Or Rose Garden swearing ins. Look at the partisan numbers, the party that thinks it is all a big hoax and won't wear masks is not doing so good with the Senator count, crass as it is for me to be keeping score.

Anyway Shawn, that is why I have been relatively quiet, birds and baskets, ptooey on the rest of it. Wake me when it is all over.


Wicki said...

I feel you, Robert.

island guy said...

Great post.

All time classic below, especially looking back:
, Mr.and Mrs. Sommers, you are trapped in vhat vee call the dark dance. Try to arrest the downward spiraling motion before you are submerged into the swirling whirlpool and plunged into the black hole or singularity where your specific gravity will equal the wreckage of a thousand dying stars ✸. Note: we didn't.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, all of it.

Kathleen Figueroa said...

Give em the what fer!
Fabulous shot of Conquering Harrier