
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Be sure and take the rest of them with you when you leave.

This is tough. I didn't have enough spaces on the grid. Had to make some hard decisions.

How could I forget Larry and Peter? We will have to find a bigger grid...

Oh and this guy.


Anonymous said...

Oh my! "All the people I hate! I hate! I hate! I hate!"

island guy said...

Just looking at their photos I would probably ask to change seats if they were next to me on an airplane.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe how many there are, and more imbedded in the government and judiciary. I hope the stink of honesty will drive them back to where they belong: away from having any influence over the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

PS: I'm glad you included Moscow Mitch's wife, Princess DragonMom in this list...

Jon Harwood said...

He has close to ten weeks for Revenge Tour 2020.

MRE said...

So sad to see them go I cried last night that it was true!!!!!

Sanoguy said...

Don't let the door hit your fat asses on the way out, Trumpsters!