
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, October 2, 2020

Amazing turn of events

Wow, who could have seen this one coming? The President and wife now positive for covid. Guess Biden wasn't so dumb to wear a mask and take precautions against the big hoax after all. Wonder if Dr. Scott Atlas will be treating him?


Anonymous said...

As a buddhist I am conflicted. I take a vow seeking enlightenment and liberation for all sentient beings but still want this one's recovery to be slow and quite painful.

Sanoguy said...


Jon Harwood said...

I don't want the karma from gloating about this but it sure is hard. I don't want anyone to get a severe case of COVID and so I try to keep the sangfroid down below 110 decibels. It sure throws a wild card into a wild election. While some really elderly people have sailed through this disease it doesn't always work that way. Trump is 74 and obese that doesn't work so well for him. BTW I read the other day that having Neandetal genes increases the chance of severe illness.

Anonymous said...

I hope he gets better soon symptoms mild. Wish Ill will on anyone comes back on you. Can you imagine if the right pulled all this crap during Obama. He got the pass

Anonymous said...

He might be lying as usual. It would distract from a lot of dastardly deeds going on just now.

Blue Heron said...

I am visualizing the next debate as a zoom meeting. One candidate is at a lectern, wearing a mask as usual, the other, lying down strapped to a gurney, connected to an oxygen tank, with fluids running. Should be riveting television. That is, if you can make out what he is saying through the ventilator noise.

I would feel much more sympathetic if it was not just announced that the President himself was the largest spreader of coronavirus misinformation in the world, if he had not consistently derided those that wore masks and minimized the effects and consequences of the virus. How many others have suffered and died because of his conscious prevarication?

Kerr A. Lott said...

Schadenfreude ! Best news I have heard in five years ! I hope president Trump dies quickly but painfully. Even if he survives there's no way the orange one can debate Sleepy Joe again, more good news !

Noreen said...

Yiddish curse: May you become so famous that they name a disease after you.