
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, October 1, 2020



I found out yesterday that one of my favorite Fallbrookians passed away in May. Somehow, not being a local paper reader, the news escaped me.

Carla Tinker was a child of the south, from Virginia, I believe. Or maybe North Carolina. Sharp as a tack, smart as a whip, could curse like a sailor and always let you know how she felt. Didn't pussyfoot around about things. Didn't suffer fools.

I was very impressed with Carla because she had a stint at the CIA but she would downplay whatever actual role she had there. Carried mail in Fallbrook for a long time.

She was a loving soul and good friend. I will never forget her support when I was going through my early medical issues.  I tried to repay the favor when she went through her own bad stretch. Never forget her standing in line at Major Market looking frail as a bird right after a hard surgery. Tough but tender. One of a kind.

I will miss her.

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