
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, September 5, 2020

How Jack Kirby's Religion Influenced His Art

If you like comics you might find this interesting, I do. I was privileged to meet Jack Kirby in the 1970's, He actually drew on a leg cast I wore for a time after surgery. So sorry I didn't keep it. He was a very kind man and it was an honor to talk with him. New Gods and Forever people were two of my favorite comic titles. I knew the King was Jewish but never considered how that might influence his artistic creations.


Scrota Voce said...

Jack Kirby couldn't hold Raphael's jock...or Tintoretto's neither.

Giorgio Vasari

Blue Heron said...

I appreciate you chiming in Giorgio. You sound you young and spry which is a bit surprising since you cacked in 1574.

Scrota Voce said...

Scrota channeling Giorgio...and holding his jock too (what's left of it).