
Yellow headed blackbird

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Der apfel neine fallen far from der tree

Trump is in a bit of hot water after the Atlantic article was published wherein he castigated war victims as losers and suckers. You can believe that he said it or not, it was corroborated by two high ranking anonymous sources. I happen to believe it based on past statements of the Donald and just the fact that it is so in keeping with other things that have come out of the lout's piehole.

He tried to save face with the military by cancelling his administration's cessation order for funding Star's and Stripes newspaper, an objective screed that has been around since the Civil War but which did not always toe the company line.

Perhaps the aversion to the military is genetic. A sharp eyed person on twitter dug up an article from 2016 where it was revealed that bonespur's grandfather was himself kicked out of Bavaria by royal decree for failing to register for military service.
Friedrich Trump, a German, was issued with the document in February 1905, and ordered to leave the kingdom of Bavaria within eight weeks as punishment for having failed to do mandatory military service and failing to give authorities notice of his departure to the US when he first emigrated in 1885.
Roland Paul, a historian from Rhineland-Palatinate who found the document in local archives, told the tabloid Bild: “Friedrich Trump emigrated from Germany to the USA in 1885. However, he failed to de-register from his homeland and had not carried out his military service, which is why the authorities rejected his attempt at repatriation.”
The decree orders the “American citizen and pensioner Friedrich Trump” to leave the area “at the very latest on 1 May ... or else expect to be deported”. Bild called the archive find an “unspectacular piece of paper”, that had nevertheless “changed world history”.
If old Fred had been a true patriot and done his time in the army, we wouldn't be faced with all of the orange one's odious shenanigans and the country would be in a much better place. No more cheap and faulty German imports. By the way, he did leave Germany and ended up opening up a whorehouse in Alaska, where he made all his money. The johns would pay in gold nuggets and he sent them to his sisters in New York to buy property. And so great family legacies are created.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The shit doesn't fall very far from the asshole.