
Yellow headed blackbird

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Who would have thought?

  • A Russian opposition leader gets poisoned? Who could possibly be responsible?
  • Yet another major Trump campaign advisor is indicted. How many does that make again? Bannon, Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, Stone, Gates and Papadopoulos... Who am I missing?
  • The administration can't cite a single instance of voter fraud with mail in balloting when directed to do so by the court?
  • That the President's aides would now be going after his own sister who is on tape referring to him as a liar with no principles?
  • USDA okays chicken processed from diseased birds. 
"Bloomberg reports that in July, the agency accepted a petition from the National Chicken Council to allow slaughterhouses to process birds infected with Avian Leukosis. The infection causes a condition akin to cancer in chickens, where malignant tumors and lesions can develop."

I'll have a bucket of the extra crispy chicken tumors, please...
  • An analysis of Trump supporters - Psychology Today  Full text.
  • More on Manafort in today's Michael Smolens column. Trump's campaign manager talked to the Russian spy Klimnik on a disposable burner phone. The Russkis popped champagne when Trump was elected, said that they had "made America great again."


Anonymous said...

Nothing about Biden?


Blue Heron said...

How's this?

I give you my word: If you entrust me with the presidency, I will draw on the best of us, not the worst. I will be an ally of the light, not of the darkness. Joe Biden

Anonymous said...

Send this to all your liberal cunt friends!

“They forgot to add that there are a few of us who are just Bad Ass, Tough, Take No Shit, Super Smart, Successful People you don’t want to fuck with”!!
“And I am one of them”!!

“So Fuck off you liberal fucking CUNT”!!

Jon Harwood said...

And now a word from Cunts for Joe....

Anonymous said...

I'm so scared. Care to meet up big talker? Like you to say that to my face ? Big talker ? 911

Anonymous said...

“Thank you for taking time out from your busy life to contribute valuable data to my ongoing study of hate mail.” ...https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sound-science-sound-policy/201709/hate-mail-data

Anonymous said...

That quote from Biden is hilarious considering the whole convention couldn't have been a more darkly depressing dirge. By the way, was that plagiarized too?

Blue Heron said...

Another black man shot in the back yesterday by a cop. The state of our union is rather depressing, as if you haven't noticed.

Jeff Nichols said...

Robert, whoever your Anonymous reader is, he's a childish coward. Posting insults and hateful comments while staying anonymous is the act of a coward. Grow up and learn to have a decent discussion with adults.

Sanoguy said...

Those listed as anonymous, why don’t you allow your names to be shown? I guess you really don’t have the courage of your own convictions.

Also, I hope those same anonymous folks would familiarize themselves with the report from the Republican lead Senate Intelligence Committee on the 2016 Pres election.... It is a clear indictment of the Trump campaign.

Anonymous said...

And 92028 proves this one. “…the racial and ethnic isolation of Whites at the zip-code level is one of the strongest predictors of Trump support.”

Blue Heron said...

To be fair to the anonymous reader, who will remain anonymous, he sent me his comment as an email after I sent him the psychology today profile. I wanted to post it as an example of the sort of messages I get and probably should have disclosed that in the comment.

It was very harsh and triggered but I get that many Trumpers are traumatized at the thought of a Biden presidency. Of course I have been traumatized through three years of Trump but I have never threatened anybody and went junior high bully on anyone. That is why I said that politics is so toxic these days, fear makes us all pretty weird.

Anonymous said...

I'm anonymous because I'm too lazy to create an account. I've been thinking a lot about this asshole since I first read his very pedestrian - yet offensive comments yesterday. These unhinged people cause me great worry.

Also, what's with the random capital letters you big dummy?

Kerr A. Lott said...

You'll never hear a real badass brag about being a badass, only a dumbass would
do that.