
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, August 28, 2020

Warts and all

For some reason I like this sepia tone shot of a pair of warthogs I took in 2015. Don't ask me why but I do. A bit prickly but lots of tonal variation, just like me.

I guess I must have printed it once on metallic paper because I just saw a print I made of it back when. Looks pretty cool, if you're into this sort of thing. I think I was going to make an etching of it once and never got around to it. Still could, one day.

Anyway I am using my downtime to start cleaning up my office and was in the process of throwing the print in the trash today when I thought, "Hey someone might like that. I can't be the only guy in this world that likes warthogs, can I?"

I got drawers full of nice prints from shows and my printer that will go into the city dump when I croak. What will they do with all this stuff when I'm six feet under?

Anybody wants this one be the first to say so by email and pay me eight bucks for shipping and it is yours, free, getting mailed in a tube. It's a nice print, no need to be framed, fine affixed with a fat thumbtack or even a refrigerator magnet.


Lena said...

It looks like a pencil drawing... fine detail. DONT THROW AWAY.

Wilbur Norman said...

I thought it was an etching. For $8 I'll take it!