Wednesday, August 12, 2020

There's dumb and there's Florida dumb

The knucklehead of the week award goes to Ocala, Florida Sheriff Billy Woods, who has ordered his deputies to not wear masks, claiming as many experts say not to wear them as those that say they should be worn.
At least 36 employees at the Marion County Jail, and seven outside the jail — including patrol officers — have tested positive for COVID-19. More than 200 inmates have tested positive. An infected nurse at the jail recently died.
Why do I have the sneaking suspicion that this will not end well? From WaPo:
A majority of epidemiologists and other health experts say face masks and social distancing are key to slowing the spread of the novel coronavirus, which has ravaged Florida. The state, which has recorded more than 542,000 cases and more than 8,600 deaths, added 277 more deaths on Tuesday; Marion County also set a record for daily deaths on Tuesday, with 13.


Sanoguy said...

You can’t fix stupid!

Kent said...

Truly unbelievable, you can’t make this shit up because nobody would believe you. What the hell is going on ?