
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Bill and Jean

Bill and Jean Cade are two of our dearest friends. They have done so much for us over the years, it is frankly impossible to list. Bill is a craftsman and has restored my furniture, We sleep under quilts that Jean has sewn for us. A fabulous cook, we always get a call when she has made my favorite peach cobbler or her famous posole or lasagna.

We are family at Christmas and always included. Because they are older than we are they are the closest things we have to parents I guess but we are just really good friends. When I was ill and the cancer came back in 2007 I recuperated at their house.

Their beautiful house is getting too big for them and I look forward with profound sadness to the day that they leave our community.

Bill is a master gardener and their house and garden is a wonder. Bill has been into bonsai for a long time and has some beautiful specimens.

We went over on Sunday for cobbler and ended up playing bupkis, a dice game, with them. Jean, who is known for her incredible luck, kicked our butts once again.

They showed us some of the beautiful gladiolas that were still blooming in the garden, from bulbs they originally got from us and a pineapple that is growing and now getting ripe on their walkway.

What a touch they have, at everything they do. We are so blessed to have them in our lives!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's nice to have friends like that. It's great that you show such appreciation. You are very lucky indeed.