
Sandhill crane

Saturday, July 4, 2020

A few of today's birds.

Greater egret

Juvenile black crowned night heron
I got up about five and made my way up to my nature sanctuary. Wanted to enjoy myself on the fourth, typically one of my favorite days of the year.

I didn't get too serious about the photography, never took the whopper lens out of the car.

I was content to chill and enjoy and I did. Had a great walk.

Don't have the energy to process them all or write so I will throw a few pics at you.

A nuttals woodpecker
white tailed kite
white faced ibis

I saw legendary birder and all around nice guy Chet McGaugh out there at the Walker Ponds and he pointed me to a peregrine falcon on a pole down a ways at the Ramona Duck Club.

Too far away to get a decent shot but I appreciate the tip!

Chet said that he saw a least bittern earlier but I never saw it.

Here is a picture of a great blue heron chomping on a dragonfly breakfast.

Not a lot of other stuff to report. Some kestrels and red tailed hawks.

I ran into a blue grosbeak that was singing really loudly and beautifully.

I didn't realize they had such a pretty trill.  I didn't get a good shot but I got a decent shot or two.

Saw a couple tree swallows on the tree where I always see them.

I was very happy to see the kite. It has been a while. Such a gorgeous bird!

As I have said many times before, I love this place!


Ken Seals said...

Nice start!!! Looking forward to the rest :-)

Anonymous said...

Your treatment of reflections makes me smile.