
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, June 8, 2020

Motocross day

My buddy Todd likes to ride dirt bikes. He asked me if I wanted to go out to the Fox Raceway in Pala and grab some shots today. Sure, why not?

I have never shot motocross before and honestly it was a lot of fun.

Today was pro day out there and there were a lot of excellent riders around. I worked on a lot of different techniques and used quite a few different lenses.

Jeremy McGrath

I did some low speed panning as well as high speed work. Some of it worked out nicely.

I started with the 400mm 2.8 and the tripod but it just got too close.

I tried the lighter and more nimble monopod with the new Wimberley head and then switched to the long 150-600mm Sigma zoom which was way easier and a better flexible fit for the distance.

But now I was a little too close I guess and I got completely splashed with mud.

Todd, my friend and neighbor
serious air!

I cleaned off the gear as best I could and finally went to the Nikkor 70-200mm 2.8.

This was the best fit of all with my Nikon D850. A lens I love but rarely use.

Was perfect here. Although honestly all the lens's worked well.

Hope to go back one day and give it another go. It is funny, I met people there from Dana Point, San Francisco, Tucson and Rancho Cucamonga. I live ten minutes away and wasn't really even aware that it existed.

I look forward to going through this series and seeing what I have captured. I would definitely go back and do it again.


Ken Seals said...

Nice job on the motocross photos!

Sanoguy said...

Let me know when going again!

Blue Heron said...

I sure will Mike. Very enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

Is that Todd from

Blue Heron said...

No, a different Todd, an arborist.

Wilbur Norman said...

Great pics! I especially enjoyed the one where McGrath is looking directly at you. Nice contact!