
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, June 5, 2020

Don't let your guard down

I sense that a psychological dam has lifted and that people in Fallbrook are starting to go about their business and resume what has previously constituted normal life. But it is clearly too early to think that we are out of the woods here.

We have had a large proportional jump in confirmed Covid 19 cases this week, we are now up to 32 35 36 37. We sat at the 24 mark for about ten days. Then we got six new cases in a bunch a couple days ago and now two more yesterday, a roughly 33% increase in a relatively short period of time. While our numbers are still low compared to some other places in the county, this microbe can move quite quickly. People who thought they were safe have found out that they were not the hard way.

Please wear your masks and remain cautious and vigilant. Remember that as yet, there is no vaccine or cure. While the majority of people recover, it is not pleasant and sometimes fatal for others. Assume the worst and hope for the best.


JeffN said...

Thanks for this, Robert. Your last paragraph sums it up perfectly.

"Please wear your masks and remain cautious and vigilant. Remember that as yet, there is no vaccine or cure. While the majority of people recover, it is not pleasant and sometimes fatal for others. Assume the worst and hope for the best."

This resonates with me because I got into a heated, maybe dangerous argument with a man in Bonsall over this yesterday. I was picking up pizza to take home and two men entered the restaurant maskless, ignoring the signs on the door requiring masks. No one said anything. When one of them got close to me, I addressed them both and asked where their masks were. One man was startled and went back to his car for his. The other was belligerent. Told me to mind my own business and I'd live longer. I got angry and told him what I really thought, that he was a self-centered asshole. We both muttered insults as I left with my order, then he followed me to my car, warned me again to mind my own business and took a picture of my license (?).

This has bothered me since, because (1) I participated in the argument when I knew it wouldn't solve anything, (2) there's always the outside chance that this guy is really deranged and will try to track me or my wife down, and (3) it just bothers me that some people won't do the simple things to protect their fellow citizens. It's depressing.

Hopefully, and most likely, this is the end to this story - I have some regrets and will try to be more patient.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update on the virus.

Martin said...

at JeffN-

I had a similar encounter a few days ago. I was in line to pick up a perscription, masked and six feet away from the next in line, per markings on the floor. This guy comes up and stands almost alongside me; no mask. I politely asked him to please move away. He mumbled something to the effect that he'd stand wherever he wanted to. I said 'fine, but if you don't move, I'm going to drop my mask and start yelling that you're trying to murder me'. He flipped me the bird and left.