
Yellow headed blackbird

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Mother's day

We all have a mother, somewhere along the way. Mine was pretty special, for all her eccentricities. Adelle Roberts was a brilliant woman, who valued knowledge and people over money and things and tried to pass that admirable quality along to her kids. Whom she loved.

She is, of course, on the right, in the red down coat, with husband Murray, who was number four or five in her string. An excellent human being as well, kind and tolerant. Terry is the tall chap next to Murray, a very nice gay friend, from Ohio originally.

My mother was living on West 10th in the Village at this point. She was probably working for ICM as an agent around then, had left her diplomatic job and her career as an editor. Still hung out at Elaine's and Veau d'or. Even though she was born in Los Angeles, she became the quintessential New Yorker. You see, my mother was a chameleon who thought very fast on her feet.

She collected interesting people her whole life and often brought them home to live with us, occasionally for years at a time. Sherri, Pritam, Ed, the list was very long. She really had a heart of gold. Would give you the shirt off her back, her last nickel. Always kept things very interesting. Saved my life on more than one occasion.

Thanks Mom, I miss you, I really do. Wish we could talk.


Cowgirlterry said...

Sounds like your Mother was someone I would have enjoyed. We must have shared the Bohemian gene.

Blue Heron said...

You bet.