Sunday, May 3, 2020

Fly Jefferson Airplane

Leslie was put in Facebook jail today for posting something about "white men with small brains and even smaller penises." She was not talking about me. I wasn't out there protesting with my large weapon. She will be in the slammer for seven days, not able to post. She says that the Facebook police have a decidedly right wing bent, they tolerate all sorts of things from Trumpists and extreme right wingers but lose all objectivity when dealing with liberals. She was writing on a friend's page, not even arguing with a stranger. I am thinking about baking her a cake with a saw blade in it. She is insisting on chocolate. You can still message her, I think. Free Leslie Sommers!


  1. Facebook jail is a badge of honor


  2. Well, you can tell Miss Leslie Meshlie La-ti-da that I strongly resemble that remark....I mean.....??
    Peaches !

  3. Facebook - well what da ya expect! Definitely listing right.
