
Yellow headed blackbird

Sunday, April 12, 2020

I luv New York

Milton Glaser
New York is taking the brunt of this miserable epidemic, New York and New Jersey. 188,694 cases as of today in the Empire State. 61,850 confirmed in the Garden State. 

Over 31,000 people dead in both states. 915 more today. 11% rise in confirmed cases in Massachusetts today, even more in Rhode Island. The Eastern seaboard is getting hit hard.

Some of my favorite people in the entire world reside in these places. The pressure that they are under dwarfs what the rest of us are undergoing right now, unless you happen to live on a Navajo or Pueblo Indian reservation, where I guess it is also spinning out of control.

I heard from my friend Doug the other day, who has worked at a New York hospital for years.  He wrote me this:

The Quarantine has created some positives. I am trying to focus on that. Like people coming together. 

Leslie and I were in New York the week after 9-11. We felt their indomitable spirit. People in New York and New Jersey do come together. Light a candle or say a prayer for them today. New York and New Jersey, we are with you in our hearts.❤

1 comment:

Ken Seals said...

I feel badly for them, too. I lived in NJ for 1.5 years in the US Army and have visited NYC many times.
We had nice family Zoom session today and thankfully my son and his family in RI are still ok.