
Sandhill crane

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Honey, where's the lysol?

Spray the kids and still have enough left over to clean the sink and toilet. All you need is a little scrub.
President Donald Trump suggested the possibility of an “injection” of disinfectant into a person infected with coronavirus as a coronavirus deterrent at the White House daily briefing on Thursday. Trump made the remark after Bill Bryan, a Department of Homeland Security official who leads the department's Science and Technology division gave a presentation on research his team has conducted that shows the virus does not live as long in warmer and more humid temperatures. Bryan said, “the virus dies quickest in sunlight.”"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning," the president said during the briefing, speaking to his health officials. "As you see it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."Later asked to clarify, Bryan said this is not the kind of work he does in his lab, before Trump jumped in and added, “maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work.”
You might want to wait a while before you start huffing disinfectant, as much as we all love and trust this guy.

Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman wants to use her city as a petri dish. The fittest will find a way to survive. There has been a huge pushback from workers in sin city who say they never signed on for that job. But she may not even be the biggest nut on the strip. Check out the Mayor Pro Tem Michele Fiore, who thinks that cancer is caused by fungus and can be cured by salt water and baking soda.

Sounds like they have potential jobs in the Trump Administration. They need fresh minds like this, the malaria drug thing didn't go so well and even Fox has stopped talking about it. Thanks, Larry Ellison.

The new Assistant Secretary of the HHS Michael Caputo has some 'splaining to do. He thought he had deleted his nasty old tweets but this stuff stays on line forever. When he's not blaming the Rothschilds and George Soros he is going after the Chinese. And they found this beauty,"millions of Chinese suck the blood out of rabid bats as an appetizer and eat the ass out of anteaters." I am really looking forward to following his career. Another perfect fit. Deroy Murdoch just wrote a glowing comment about him at National Review. Welcome aboard the S.S. Trump, Michael.


Martin said...

Good grief!! One wonders if membership in the GOP requires one to be a certifiable nutball. And it appears that the acting pres. has truly gone 'round the bend - UV light treatment? Inside the body?

Side note: Ms Fione interjected herself into the standoff led by Ammon Bundy at the Malheur wildlife reservation up here in southern Oregon back in 2016. Claimed to be their Atty. or some such.

Anonymous said...

He's a frigging idiot. How many examples do you need?

Anonymous said...

Empty-headed maniac.

Anonymous said...

You can't fault him for not thinking "outside the box".

Anonymous said...

What a fucking idiot. We all know just drink some bleach. BHS :)

Anonymous said...

Firing all the scientist to bring in Carnival hacks and Snake Oil just incredible and when ever a reporter asks a legitimate questions he calls them fake news and personally insults them

Anonymous said...

Caputo sucks a tRump syncophant big Fox TV, Snot Locker growing, thioacetone smelling turd in a glass of milk!

Anonymous said...

Anteater ass soup, a longtime favorite of mine.

Blue Heron said...

Martin, did you used to sell antiques at Hillsborough? Are you that Martin?

Martin said...

Robert (aka Blue Heron):
I've lived here and there around western Oregon all my life (except for a few brief excursions elsewhere) and lived in Hillsboro for six or seven years - left there about 12 years ago and moved to the Rogue Valley - but I've never sold antiques anywhere, so I guess I'm not that Martin.

By the way, I really enjoy your blog and your photos.

Blue Heron said...

Thank you Martin. I appreciate that. I lived in southern Oregon in 1974, in various places, Ashland, Bend and a short wander into a commune in Copper, Oregon, north of Jacksonville, now under water, called the Crazy Farm. I had a lot of fun in my short stint in Oregon, wandering high school drop out, living on a school bus with some really interesting characters.

Anonymous said...

This is truly frightening to me. However, the cost of housing in Vancouver BC is unapproachable, so I guess I'm in for the long haul. Glad at least I'm in California. ~ Diane O

Jon Harwood said...

I am certain that you want my Clorox vape pen. Instant cure for breathing.

Martin said...

The site of Copper - and Crazy Farm - lies under the south end of Applegate Lake, which is some miles Southwest of J-ville and a mile or so North of the CA/OR border. I remember visiting the area back in the early 70's while on a short vacation to Ashland from Portland - don't recall seeing anything about Crazy Farm, but then I wasn't looking either. We visit the lake from time to time just to get out of the 'big city' of Medford & environs.