It was not ideal shooting conditions, with shadows, cross light and a steady wind.
Focusing was very difficult. Hard to focus on something soft and fuzzy.
I set up my tripod and took my first shots of the hatchlings, approximately three or four days old, eyes not yet wide open.
I still believe that there are only two but I have been fooled before.
I only saw two heads yesterday.
This was a long spell in regards to what I am accustomed to seeing. One hour and eleven minutes. 3:56:28 p.m.
I had been acclimating the birds to my presence for the last two months and the parents are now very used to seeing me.
Even so I stayed in the back of my car and made myself scarce at regular intervals so I would disturb them as little as possible.
Eventually I saw them hunting together. The distance was too far for good focus acquisition.
How many years have they been soaring and nesting around here, a million?
Great series of photos Robert.