Friday, April 3, 2020

Disaster Relief

When the San Diego County Covid 19 portal provided me with a link for SBA disaster funding two weeks ago, I took it, as did several of my friends with my prodding. A lifeline. I filled out a voluminous application and received not one but two emails back from the SBA telling me that my application was under review and providing me with a 10 digit reference number.

I have been waiting for over ten days to hear back from them but no big, they are busy. Beggars can't be choosy in times like these. I appreciate any help I can get. Still it was a little disconcerting yesterday when I read in Newsweek that all of these pending disaster loan applications would be thrown in the trash and that I needed to start over again. Behold, there are new programs. Is this true? Who knows...

I called SBA twice yesterday for clarification. You can imagine how long it took to get a hold of a live body. I received two completely different answers from the two different representatives. Start over and just wait. What do you do?

I kept looking for info today, see I have a lot of questions. Do I get any benefit for having been in the queue? And why do I have to read about it online, wouldn't you think the government would email us and tell us that it was time to start over? Because a lot of people might not get the news or even know exactly what to believe? Is it possible that my original application is still in some bureaucratic hopper somewhere with a remote chance of success?

The new program from Bank of America doesn't exactly fit a sole proprietor with no employees who's shop has been open for twenty three years, being based exclusively on payroll. I guess I will push every button I can tomorrow if I am feeling up to it, the chemo wipes me out for a day or two.

What a ridiculous way to roll out a program but I guess that is what happens when you are making it up as you go along and doing everything on the fly. But it would sure be nice to hear from somebody official regarding my previous submission. Or is that an unreasonable level of expectation? Not just me of course, thousands more like me...

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