
scrub jay at my feeder

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Corona zips

San Diego County released a covid 19 chart listing number of cases by zip code yesterday. My zip code, 92028, is currently listed with four. Hillcrest, 92103, is now getting hammered with 57. La Jolla, 92037, isn't doing so well, either.

This might be because of the large number of medical facilities in both places, I am not sure. But they are locales, like all locales, where people need to be very careful.

But Hillcrest is also where I travel weekly for my cancer treatments. Leslie is now accompanying her friend Melissa to chemo treatments too.

I need to find two cotton masks, for my wife and I. If you know anybody making or sewing them, please let me know.

postscript: Leslie and I were given four beautiful hand sewn masks today, thank you! Hers is purple.

Infectious happiness - bakadesuyo

$162.00 ventilator?

Newly discovered September 2019 White House report Mitigating the Impact of Pandemic Influenza through Vaccine Innovation

Navy scuttles sailors.

Anytime an earthquake goes off there is a guy from St. Louis on the internet named Michael Janitch who screams doom and gloom and  needlessly triggers everybody. Because he knows when they are coming... Guy has been banned from YouTube. The latest Idaho earthquake caused the magma flow of the normal cassandra like bleatings. Yellowstone was going to blow up. Except it isn't. Thanks, I will listen to the geologists, vulcanologists and seismologists. And if you scream every single day, chances are you will be right once or twice. It is called the law of averages.

1 comment:

Sanoguy said...

People who live in the St. Louis area and south of there, apparently, don't understand that they live in tornado alley. I am a 70+ year resident of EQ country and I would much rather live here than in tornado alley!! ( and, that is for more reasons than just tornados!)