The Man Who Saw the Pandemic Coming
Quarantine Trump
Rupert Beale - wash your hands
What would happen if the world reacted to climate change like it’s reacting to the coronavirus?
Panic early - Taleb and Bar Yam
Metabiota: Epidemic Tracking and Data Science
White House wants to bail out oil and gas companies
Chinese say second strain is more deadly
Vox has a very concise article out on the coronavirus, nine coronavirus pandemic charts.
I was struck by the limited testing in the United States per capita when you compare to a country like South Korea. 23 tests per million people here, 3692 tests per million in South Korea. They were ready there, we obviously were not.
America is broken.
Why we underestimate American collapse.
The gang that couldn't shoot straight
We had been caught with our pants down in ww2 also but caught back up. Time will tell how we do