
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Always about the money

Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone. John Maynard Keynes

Trump adviser and supply side economist Stephen Moore is sore about the lockdown in California.
If this goes on, where we have people locked down, they can’t go to work for more than three weeks, you’re talking about economic damage that would be in the trillions of dollars and we have to ask this question: Is it worth trillions of dollars of losses? Think of the human suffering, from the, in terms of the lost income, the lost life savings. Is that worth it, to deal with this? It’s a question worth asking, because I’m starting to think maybe we should get people to work as fast as we can.
No matter what the cost is in human lives.

Congressman Kevin McCarthy is crying a similar tune. Why stop the money flow and why didn't anybody ask him?
McCarthy, whose California district includes Bakersfield and the San Joaquin Valley, said his state produces "essential things" necessary for the national coronavirus response. And the state's massive population, he suggested, could have an outsize impact on the already struggling U.S. economy when it stays home en masse."You know how serious this virus is and how contagious it is. But California is 12 percent of the nation's population. There are essential things that are produced in California that when you think of the pharmaceutical industry and others based in San Francisco," McCarthy said. "I would have thought the governor would have called a number of us to consult and talk to us why he would make this decision. I know I never did get a call from him. Maybe he feels there's a need behind it."
And here's one from everybody's favorite congressman, Devin Nunes.
Everything that I've seen is positive. The data that's coming is not showing that people are dying," Nunes told Fresno radio station KMJNOW today as the global death toll surpassed 11,000. He went on to lament the closure of restaurants for takeout, only made possible by the fake news media, saying, "If we had a real press, he would be getting railed." 
Fuck people's lives, we just need to worry about the money. A pox on these people.


Sanoguy said...

McCarthy and Nunes are both Peaches... both from the Peach center of the country in the San Joaquin Valley!

Blue Heron said...

That's coming from a, is it a Turlock or Tulare boy?