
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Life line

The doctor finally called this evening. I had expected to hear from her sooner and I was getting a little nervous. But I also wasn't in a big hurry to get bad news. So I was prepared to wait. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen, not much I could do about it.

Thankfully, the news was good. Of the five "bites" of my bladder that she resected in the blue light cystoscopy last week, two had low grade cancer cells present but there was no evidence of the high grade cancer we had removed previously anywhere.

So I get to keep my bladder unless things take a drastic turn. I am also going back on the BCG immunotherapy regimen. First treatment is scheduled for March, Friday the thirteenth. The doctor sounded quite positive about my prognosis.

I want to thank all of you for your love and concern.  I have several friends going through terrible medical problems and some are in far worse straits than I was. Saw a friend at lunch who is not in good shape whatsoever. I am lucky, my problem was pretty fixable, although the fix could have been rather drastic. Some of my pals are not so lucky. My heart goes out to them and their families. As for me, I am still in the game. Live every day to the fullest, never neglect the chance to tell your loved ones that you love them, make your life count.


Liz said...

This makes me sooooo happy!
Maybe the two of us are going to survive all this! I have been in remission four/five years now

The Phantom Knows said...

Good to hear my friend!

KAT JOY said...

Glad to hear your in good condition! And, thanks for the reminder to live life. I'd been feeling down lately and sleeping very much. My dreams, which I do every time I sleep, have been much better than waking life. I need to live life much more fully, and make it count. And, Robert, I love you.

Blue Heron said...

Thank you all very much. Kat that is so sweet. I love you too.

Jerry HallJ said...

Amazing Robert! We're so happy to hear this great news. Much love to you as you begin the immunotherapy regimen. Keep fighting. Hugs to you and Leslie.
Jerry & Michelle

Sanoguy said...

Amen Brother!

Anonymous said...

Good to hear!

Anonymous said...

What very wonderful news. So glad. ~ Diane O

Jeff N said...

That’s super news, Robert! I’m really happy for you. Keep on truckin’ ,

Kent said...

Phew, great news. Thanks for sharing.

Jon Harwood said...

That is good news.

Linda said...

Great news, Robert! Joseph and I are thrilled that we will continue to have your wordscape in our lives for many more years to come. Hugs to you and Leslie!

Kerr A. Lott said...

Cool, keep on truckin'.

Helen Killeen Bauch McHargue said...

Great news! Thanks for reminding everyone to keep current on tests!