
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, January 30, 2020

In the dark

Several of you have called or written inquiring about my health.  I guess with the big send up I should be more responsive.

The minor issue is I have a bad cold and bronchial condition, not coronavirus. Stayed home yesterday, lots of soup and rest.

I'm not going to take antibiotics unless I have to, their returns are marginal at best.

My brain is still in a slight cognitive fog, I perceive myself freespooling irrational garble on occasion upon waking.

Not sure if it is a response to the anesthesia, my childhood fondness for psychedelics or what?

I am also forgetting names. Names I have known forever. I have an amazing memory, or I had, could it be that things are finally starting to slip? Scary. Oh well, what was I saying?

I had to come in today to pay bills but I am going back home as soon as I can.

On the cancer front, I don't know anything and I won't until February 19th when I have my procedure. Big sword hanging over my head, will be one thing or the other, I will let you know, but I am as in the dark as you are as is the hawk on the branch.

Appreciate your concern and best wishes.

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