
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Blustery bird day

Female northern harrier
I did battle with DMV most of the morning on the phone, then decided to pay them a personal visit where everything seemed to get resolved.

Paid a mortgage at the bank, down to two now. I decided to go get my new car dirty, to see what it could do in tough conditions.

It was a grey, cold, wet, blustery day. I knew that it was risky going out to my sanctuary after so much wet weather.

My suspicions were unfortunately proved correct, there was a chain pulled taut across the front of the Reserve. I guess they didn't want people getting stuck and tearing up the trails.

I decided to try the Walker Pond Rd. and thankfully it was still open.

I drove straight into the middle of every large mud puddle and bog I could find and the all wheel drive reacted splendidly, never a real fear of getting stuck.

The Mazda CX - 5 awd is a gem. Christened it with a thick helping of mud, as it should be. No prissy suburban Rover here in my stable.

I saw hawks everywhere, a couple eagles too, but decided to leave the good lens in the fitted case and just be a sightseer with my slow but light Sigma 150-600mm sport.

Gives me a bit more reach and some days it is just easier.

Dark and rainy, I wasn't going to do anything but enjoy my feathered friends and have a good time enjoying the peace and solitude.

Once again I had the place entirely to myself.

Many of the birds had been recently drenched and you could tell that they were still drying off.

I saw all manner of fowl, from pelican to shrike, ibis to mountain bluebird. Lots of red tailed and red shouldered buteos.

Was very pleasant, haven't been to my special place in far too long.

Didn't actually capture anything too noteworthy but didn't try too hard either.

As they said on Sesame Street, Lovely day, everything's a-ok. Good to be back.

1 comment:

barbara finwall said...

Looks pretty noteworthy to me!