
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, November 8, 2019


Life has been an emotional roller coaster of late. I woke up Wednesday morning not knowing what my life would look like in a day, week, month or year, that is, if it lasted that long.

The absence of cancer cells in the latest pathology report was so big for me. But I had no real clue how things would turn out until I got the news straight from the doctor's mouth and that is a strange sensation indeed. The sword of Damocles was magically lifted from above my head.

Of course this is my third go around with the dreaded disease. You would think I would have learned something in the last thirty five years? The truth is, if anything, it is to always be looking over your shoulder.

I would be kidding myself if I had the notion that I was somehow completely out of the woods with this thing. But I definitely get to fight another day. Hooray.

I could regale you with recent tales of victory and feasts, of plunder and booty, maybe give you my latest pithy take on politics, but this pirate is all tapped out at the moment, I simply don't have the energy. Perhaps another day. Now I need to recharge my emotional batteries, to sleep. Shit wears on you.


Jerry Hall said...

Good job looking over your shoulder and listening to your body. Take your rest, well deserved.

Ken Seals said...

Rest well, you deserve it :-)

Jeff N. said...

So glad to hear your good news. Hope you can get a little R&R.

Anonymous said...

Fabulously good news. ~ D.O.

island guy said...

After the our second hand emotional roller coaster of following your trials and tribulations I would love to hear some “ recent tales of victory and feasts, of plunder and booty, maybe give you my latest pithy take on politics” when you get your feistiness back on line. Your fire, insights and humanity helps to sustain us in these difficult times.