
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Sacred spot

I have a lot on my mind, a lot of crucial decisions to make. I would be lying if I said that they were not wearing on me. They are.

So I ducked out to my sacred spot yesterday to be alone in nature, to consort with the birds and the bugs in the solitude.

Seems like it is becoming the normal thing to do on a Friday. Go to the place where it usually all gets sorted out for me.

Saw one other person, a girl on a horse, far out of lens shot.

Gave me plenty of time and space to think. Took a little hike.

I decided that I like the San Jacinto Wildlife Area at any time, any season. Even now, the down time before the ponds are filled. I am always touched by something beautiful while I am there. Like the lovely kestrel on the dead branch.

Or the magnificent jeweled plumage of this white faced ibis in flight.

I went out on the dog training road, looking for burrowing owls again, got skunked. Not much near the Walker Ponds either.

But I didn't care.

This guy to my left just might be a tri colored heron. I can't decide.

Just felt good to be back in my natural element.

If I had to do it all over again and none of us ever are given the chance, I might have leaned towards becoming a wildlife photographer. What a great gig that would be, traveling to great spots all the time and shooting nature.

If I ever hit the lottery I will buy an old jeep and never wash it once and just travel the back roads, record, ponder and take it all in. Guess I better buy a ticket.


Jerry HallJe said...

Love the kestrel & ibis shots. Thanks for taking us along with you.

Ken Seals said...

Thanks Robert, I really enjoyed the photos.

Juliah said...

Love these photos, Robert! You are an amazing wildlife photographer and I love the beauty and serenity portrayed here. I am glad you had a nice day.

Jeff N. said...

I have news for you Robert. You ARE a wildlife photographer. I know you mean a pro who makes his living at it - but your photos are good enough for any gallery or exhibition. Take pride in that, and we're hoping you have better news soon on the health front. Keep on truckin'...

Anonymous said...

You have such a gift for photographing these birds. The white faced ibis ~ honestly, you show us with other birds see that most humans cannot, their plumage in the ultra violet range. Thanks for sharing with me. ~ D.O.