
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Kestrel sighting

I drove to Encinitas yesterday to see my accountant and pay my annual remittance to Uncle Sam. Afterwards I drove over to San Elijo Lagoon to take a little walk and hopefully see some birds.

I shouldn't have even wasted my time. The place is an absolute mess with construction, dredging and what have you. Nary a bird in sight.

It has been awful for months but now it is even worse. And the trail is damaged and blocked off, you can walk about a hundred feet before you hit the barricades. Ah, progress... Can not wait until they are finished and have things back together.

On my way home I saw a falcon on a pole far in the distance on my winding canyon road.

Since the camera was on the seat next to me with the long lens already attached, I jumped out to grab a few shots, stopping in the middle of the road, pissing off two cars behind me in the interim.

At the considerable distance I thought that this kestrel might be a prairie falcon as it was huge but no. A big fat kestrel. Looks like it is munching on a lizard here.

Yechhh. But to each his or her own. Beautiful little raptor.

I've said it before, I can go far and wide but there is no better birdwatching for me than my own yard and valley.

Here is a scrubjay silhouetted in the last rays of a fading sun that I shot outside my driveway.

I bought a lovely agave ovatifolia from Jennifer at Good Earth this morning. I saw this specimen in Kensington last year and had to have one for our very own.

It is also known as a whales tongue agave and is known for its beautiful smooth pale leaves. Its needle sharp spikes will certainly draw blood. Will be a beautiful contrasty addition to my garden.


Anonymous said...

Great bird photo's
Birder Beth

Ken Seals said...

Really enjoy the photos!