
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, October 7, 2019

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Like clockwork, America screws the Kurds again. With Turkey allowed to enter Syria unabated in order to vanquish their enemy, things could very ugly and horrible. Our empty words and alliances once again mean nothing. The Kurds were the only stabilizing force in the area, instrumental in the fight against ISIS and now we abandon them and throw them to the wolves. The Ottomans destroyed ancient Kurdistan, talk about a people that deserve a homeland. Of course to the Turks, they are simply "terrorists." Just in time for the opening of the new Trump Tower in Istanbul.


Jon Harwood said...

Colin Powell wasn't kidding when he said he Republican Party needs to get a grip on itself because our foreign policy is in a shambles.

Sanoguy said...

Despicable! When are some of the expert foreign policy and military guys going to stand up against this guy? When are they going to put on their big boy pants?

Ken Seals said...

I'm completely with you on this one. It's really sad and evil.