
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, September 26, 2019


A lot of websites have multiple trolls, I fortunately only have one. A lot of my readers don't agree with my politics but we try to give each other room. But my troll is the most contemptuous piece of shit one could ever imagine. Hangs around merely to be nasty. Been lurking in the shadows for a while. I try not to feed him, have asked him repeatedly to get lost and delete pretty much all of his bilious offerings with regularity, but I thought I should share today's comment with you just to show you what a demented heap of offal this anonymous coward is.

Can you imagine a decent human being saying something like this to a person who is ill? And not having the guts to sign his name, the lowlife, coward motherfucker. I tell you what Troll, come on by and even in the shape I am in, I will rearrange your fucking face. This is definitely your last salvo I will publish, go back to torturing small animals, widows and orphans or whatever it is that you do. Your presence on this earth is an insult to humanity. What a boring, wasted life you must live to have to exist as an unwanted, friendless, party crasher. Find a new fetish. Next time you get the urge to write me, I suggest that you gargle with razor blades instead.


Ken Seals said...

What a soulless POS.

Jeff N. said...

Hate to imagine someone that soulless. Now that you’ve said your piece, don’t give him any more of your time and energy. It’s too valuable %

Hudgins said...

Congratulations. You know you have made it when the trolls come calling.

Anonymous said...

You usually have a way with words. The intruder is easily summed up as a DESPICABLE COWARD! He should not get any more of your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

It thrives on acknowledgment and response, we validate its existence by making it a topic of discussion. It lacks a moral compass thus, it is the one that is truly lost.

Anonymous said...

He's obviously a wimpy, pus-filled sack of shit, masquerading as a human being. Doesn't have the balls to sign his name. Just flush him down into the sewer where he belongs. I dare him to have the gumption to sign his name. Coward.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a Russian troll to me, not a local at all. ~D.O.

Blue Heron said...

I actually have a suspicion who it is and he is local. I finally figured it out I think.

Kent said...

Out the mfer.

The Phantom Knows said...

Even a mindless troll has standards. This coward has none... mic drop!