
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, August 30, 2019


Leslie started it last week. One innocuous verse of Gallery's It's so nice to be with you and it was trapped in my cerebral cortex for at least three days. Something about the contagious nature of early seventies pop songs that gets stuck in your mind like library paste.

That song led me directly to The Fortunes' Here comes that rainy day feeling again, which segued into Marmalade's Reflections of my life. It is still socially not very de rigueur to admit to actually liking any of this stuff but one can get away with an occasional hum or tapping of the foot without risking too much opprobrium.

I managed to free my mind of all the pesky little sonic intruders until this morning. I was at Main Street Cafe and favorite waitress Sue Price came by. Her daughter took her to a Little River Band concert last night at the casino for her birthday. She loved it. My old Fallbrook roommate Bob Teague also loved the underrated Little River Band.

She was humming Happy Anniversary Baby and now I have to fight that one off all day too. Sheesh! Got you on my mind...


Anonymous said...

Next up “smile a little smile for me”. “”I can’t stop this feeling”. And on, and on, STOP!

Jon Harwood said...

"Its a little bitty thing they call the love bug........ (forever). God help me.