
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Edwin Rist


Anonymous said...

just read the book about you, and although it seems you got off easy with the Aspergers, i feel as if you didn't deserve 20 years in prison

Anonymous said...

You should have gone to jail. the fact you show no remorse about the immense theft of the natural world and the scientific community means that you should not be allowed to have a career in fly tying or flute playing. You, sir, are a thief. For the rest of your life, you should be associated with this shameful act, for which you only got off lightly.

Anonymous said...

Shall be remembered for what he is - a thief!

Anonymous said...

If Aspergers is an excuse for stealing and takes away your responsibility, perhaps you are a danger to society and should be locked up. Who knows what store or museum you might uncontrollably break into? A large TV from a a student lounge might be too much of a temptation. Hopefully this book will bring the punishment that you avoided in the courts. The court of public opinion will judge you more fairly than the judge who let you go.

Anonymous said...

So many judgers! You haven't lived his life. You were pulled and bent and prodded and shaped to do what you've done, and so was he. He stole, so he was a thief. He's not stealing anymore, so he is no longer. He is no better or worse for his accomplishments with the flute, but I'm glad he's got that. Circumstance, forces change, people change with them, people learn lessons, punishment has its side effects...and it's not like he hasn't suffered enough. Time to forgive and celebrate his getting past that and not letting it knock him off the flute path. Would he make a good neighbor? I'm betting yes. Would he make a good partner, friend, perhaps father? I'm guessing probably, yes. He is a human, he goofed, and at this point, he is probably less likely to steal than many of his critics. I am a fan. Not of what he did, not because he did it, but because he overcame it and went from making beautiful flies to beautiful music. I hope he still ties flies now and then. Even classic salmon flies. If the thought of doing so is painful to him right now, that is further punishment for him that his fellow humans should't be happy about or pile more of their hatred on.

Anonymous said...

He should have done time. He did the crime. He disrupted many lives, and set back years of science. Lastly, the black leather doesn't make him hip. He severely misjudged that one, too. You're way too generous there with flute guy.

melissalb said...

Just forgetting the feather thing for a sec...I feel like no amount of leather can make the flute Metal (or cool in that rocker kinda way). So, Super Talented Guy- jeans are fine and just play the flute without the theatrics. Oh God, I just realized that leather rhymes with feather!