
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday Montage

It is raining today and I can't unload my van yet. Watercolors don't like moisture all that much. I am picking Leslie up at the airport tonight, cleared just enough room for her and her suitcase.

She was in Dallas for our niece's Bat Mitzvah. So the cats and I have been batching it for almost a week. Everybody is doing well but they are getting a little tired of my jokes. I mollify them with canned food and an occasional tummy scratch.

The antique show was good Friday, disastrous Saturday and good again yesterday, better than expected. Needed it. And more.

Our promoter, Michael Grimes, has been wrestling with health issues for a while and ended up visiting the E.R. I hope that he is okay. Snapped this shot of him on my phone looking positively angelic.

Had a steak at Texas Roadhouse Wednesday on the way home. It was surprisingly good, top sirloin and sides, an inexpensive Wednesday night deal. But I was seriously jonesing for a vodka and grapefruit. Didn't scratch that itch, last time it put me in the hospital with my afib. Was sorely tempted. Steak cries for vodka. I just can't do it right now.

Went to Panca, my little Peruvian joint, with Tracy and Stan Thursday night. They said they liked it but I am not really sure if they really did. Had this cool cylindrical appetizer. Causa Limeña.

From the menu; Layers of light and fluffy Ají Amarillo flavored potato, shredded chicken tossed with home-made mayo, avocado slices, hardboiled egg slices and fresh chopped tomato. Pretty and delicious.

Show is shrinking like all the shows. Once filled two big halls, we lost another row. Same story everywhere. In less than five years I predict there will not be a single antique show left in America. As it is they are now half jewelry.

I read this article by a shmegegg named Jay David Bolter this morning, How the elite lost control of art. Mr. Pointyhead seems to think that art as we knew it was elitist and that the new artforms are something like video games and what he calls the "media culture." You can have it.

I had an epiphany one early morning this week. Nature abhors a vacuum. But it loves a good toaster oven. Thanks, we'll be playing here at the Diamond Room all week. Holiday Inn, right off the Turnpike. Remember to tip the piano player.


Rain is right on time. If we get enough it saves me a hundred or so bucks and all the plants get very happy.
Lox and bagels with Lena and Ronnie yesterday, we continue our long time Sunday pre-show tradition.

Pretty awful when we reach a point where the rabbi asks you to bring heat to the synagogue services.

New farm to table restaurant opening across the street. Or it was open and then it wasn't open. Not sure what is going on but want to try it. Bit pricey for this town. Lost my Guatemalan place, they pulled up stakes and moved to Vista. Damn. No more gorditos for Gordito.

Brandon Gallery is no more. Sad. They were having continual problems with the landlord and the roof and then after 41 years said that they were finally done. Mary T and many others would be very bummed. I will miss them.

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